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Video Summary

Writing a blog post is not just about putting words on a page; it’s a strategic process that requires careful planning, engaging content, and effective optimization.

Blogs help your business show up in more searches and demonstrate your expertise to your site visitors to help create authority in your industry. And this authority helps connect you to your target audience when they’re searching for answers that your website provides.

Blogs are also an excellent channel to keep relevant content in front of your visitors to keep them on your website for a while. And if your blog is good enough, they might even keep coming back. These are just a few reasons… Are you convinced yet?

So here are three steps to get you started with your blog post…

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Jeffrey Kirk.

So what do you call a blogger who never writes anything? A ghost blogger! Yeah, you can blame AI for that joke!

Okay, now, are you ready to elevate your business blog to get more leads and more clients? I hope so because that’s what I’m talking about in this video.

Writing a blog post is not just about putting words on a page; it’s a strategic process that requires careful planning, engaging content, and effective optimization. In a previous video, I talked about the importance of having a blog for your business and I gave tips on how to start your blog. Look for the link here for easy access if you haven’t seen that one already.

Now that you have a blog, what’s next?

If you haven’t done any keyword research, you might want to start there to figure out some good topics that people are searching for. The link to a keyword research video is also shown here. Assuming you have done your keyword research, then you already have a topic in mind, and it’s time to get started with your blog post!

So here are three steps to get you started in the right direction…

Step #1 – Ask Questions and Do Research

Before you start writing, it’s important to prepare and ask yourself a few key questions, like… Who are your readers? What are they looking for? And, what is your goal? Take a moment to think about why you’re writing and what you want to achieve with this specific article.

Maybe you want to convince people to buy your product or support your ideas? Or do you want to share useful knowledge about a particular topic? Or is your goal to engage and entertain your readers?

Different articles on your website can serve different purposes. Regardless, it’s important to clarify the purpose of each article because doing this helps guide your writing style. For example, an article meant to persuade should be written differently from one that is purely informative or entertaining. And then, what do you want your readers to get from your post?

It’s important to consider the main message or take away you want them to have after reading your content. Who are your readers? It’s good to remind yourself of the audience you want to reach before you start writing. And what do they need? Are you looking for business owners? Is there a specific age range? Perhaps a type of business? Whoever they are, knowing your target audience will help you focus on the content you’ll create.

After you identify your audience, you can figure out ways to solve their problems. So you might want to ask yourself some more questions, such as… What is my target audience searching for before they’ll want to buy my product or service?

What is the main problem of my ideal client? And what are the reasons my ideal customers will say no to my business? The answers to these questions are topics you can write about. Then you can answer their questions, provide solutions to their problems, and persuade them to take the action you want them to take.

Therefore, it’s important to take some time to think about the people you are writing for. Adapt your text to meet their needs. Consider the level of difficulty in the information you present as well as the ease or complexity of your writing style.

And stay away from using too many technical terms or industry jargon. Your clients don’t do what you do, so they might not use the same words that you use. You want to make your content readable and accessible so that it speaks to the audience, not to your peers.

Step #2 – Start Writing!

Now that you have all the information and a plan of what you want to cover in your blog post, it’s time to start writing. And don’t worry, your text doesn’t have to be flawless right away. You can make edits and improvements later on.

Make sure your content, your tone, and your writing style match the audience you’re targeting. And, keep in mind, you don’t have to write a blog post sequentially from start to finish. Feel free to jump between paragraphs, or skip difficult parts and come back to fill it in later.

Do whatever feels most comfortable and natural for you. If you prefer to outline first, do an outline. If you prefer to work without one, do that. It’s your choice. Ideally, stick with a natural writing style. This means you write as if you’re talking to someone. There’s a flow to your sentences that doesn’t seem forced.

For the readers, this comes off as more comfortable, less rigid, more genuine. And for you, it’s probably a bit easier to write than trying to stick with all the proper words and grammar.

Using a natural writing style is important so your readers actually understand what you’re writing, and they also enjoy your content. If they find value in it, they’re more likely to come back for more.

Step #3 – Edit and Optimize

Once you’ve written everything down, it’s time to edit your work. Take a closer look at your text and fix any awkward sentences or errors that you come across. This involves checking for mistakes and making sure the overall structure of your blog post makes sense.

If you’re not confident in your writing skills, use spell checkers or ask someone you trust to read your work. Another set of eyes can spot mistakes more easily and provide you with some valuable feedback.

Also, don’t forget to optimize your post for search engines. This means making sure your keywords are well-distributed, your title and meta description are on point, and your text is easy to read. And be sure to embed high quality media types… whether that’s images, or videos, or audio.

Using different media types plays a big role in keeping visitors to your site interested in your content. Doing this well helps the visitors understand your business more while providing additional value to your content. But keep in mind that embedded media can also negatively affect your SEO. For example, a large image can slow down your website’s load time potentially impacting user experience. So, you’ll want to make sure that all media is well optimized for size and maximum download speed.

And be sure the headline of your post captures attention. Once someone clicks to your post, the first thing they’ll usually see is the headline. And that’s often a deciding factor as to whether they’re going to continue reading or not. So, make it short and precise and related to your content!

And every blog post should include some kind of call-to-action. I’m not saying every post has to try to sell something, but at least point the readers to some next step even if it’s just to get more information on another page.

And finally, publish new blog content regularly. It’s better to publish one blog post every month than it is to publish 12 posts this month and then nothing for the rest of the year. Search engines love new and updated content so the more you post, the more chances you get to rank higher in the search results.

To make sure your blog is being seen online, it’s time to start learning how to optimize your blog posts for SEO. After all, you’re not writing and publishing blog posts so that you have something to read later. You’re writing and publishing for your target market. You want those blog posts to do something for your business. In order for those posts to help your business, people need to consume the content. And before they can consume it, they have to find it.

So, how would you like to get more search traffic to your blog?

Yeah, I thought so. So, I put together a checklist of 10 things you can do to get more traffic and better results. It’s free, and you can download it by going to upatdawn.biz/blogtraffic.

And to continue learning more about getting better online results for your business, please subscribe to my channel.

Your business deserves to be seen online, and I will help you get there.

Thanks for watching and have a great day!


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