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Video Summary

Do you have a small business and you want to attract new customers?

These days, video is one of the most used types of content for increasing engagement. And you can use videos in a lot of social media platforms including YouTube, and TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others. And since you can create videos whether your business is big or small, no matter the size of your team or budget, it’s a proven way to gain new followers.

As a digital marketing company, we know that creating high-quality video content can be an effective way to engage with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. In this video, I’m going to cover seven key benefits of video marketing and provide tips and advice you can use to create your own successful video campaigns.

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Jeffrey Kirk.

Do you have a small business and you want to attract new customers? I think your answer is yes because that’s who my videos are for. Most of the business videos in my channel are here to show you how to get seen online so you get more clients and make more money in your business.

If you would, please take a moment right now to click the subscribe button and the little bell, and then you’ll get notified each week when new videos are released. And by doing this, that also encourages me to keep coming up with new information, new videos, for you. Let’s get on with the topic of using video marketing for your business.

These days, video is one of the most used types of content for increasing engagement. And you can use videos in a lot of social media platforms including YouTube, and TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others. And since you can create videos whether your business is big or small, no matter the size of your team or budget, it’s a proven way to gain new followers.

As a digital marketing company, we know that creating high-quality video content can be an effective way to engage with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. In this video, I’m going to cover seven key benefits of video marketing and provide tips and advice you can use to create your own successful video campaigns.

Benefit #1: Increased Engagement

The first benefit of video marketing is what I already mentioned, increased engagement.

Videos are often more engaging and memorable than text-based content, helping to capture your audience’s attention and keep them interested in your business or brand.

To make sure your videos are engaging, one tip is to start with a strong hook. This means grabbing your viewer’s attention right from the beginning. And this could be a question, a surprising fact, or perhaps a compelling story.

If you want to keep attention, keep the video concise. Attention spans are fleeting these days, so keep your videos short and to the point. A good rule of thumb, especially when you’re just getting started, is to aim for videos that are just 2 or 3 minutes long. And if you can include visuals such as images, or animations, or infographics, these can make your videos even more interesting.

Finally, include a call to action at the end of your video. Invite viewers to take a specific action such as visit your website, sign up for your email list, or make a purchase.

Benefit #2: Improved Search Engine Rankings

Videos can help improve your website’s search engine rankings by increasing the amount of time visitors spend on your site while also reducing bounce rates.

Start optimizing your videos for search engines by doing a little bit of research. Use good keywords in the video title, the video description, and in tags. Doing this will help the search engines and the video platforms understand what your video is about and improve its visibility in the search results.

Also, use closed captions. Doing this improves your video’s accessibility, but it does a lot more. For those who scroll through their video feed with sound turned off, you’re giving them a way to follow along and capture their attention. Plus, the caption text itself provides more content for search engines to work with.

Benefit #3: Expanded Reach

Video content can be easily shared across multiple platforms. This helps to expand your reach and attract new audiences. To promote your videos, share them on social media!

Share your videos on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and you’ll be able to reach a wider audience. There are many options, but you should focus on the ones used by your target market.

Ideally share posts often to maintain visibility. If people see your videos and they can relate to your posts, then it’s more likely they’ll come back for more. And maybe they’ll even share your videos, your posts, with some of their friends.

Of course, you should include links to your videos within your email campaigns. Doing this drives more traffic to your videos and further increases engagement. And, if you have a video that gets a great response, then you might want to consider using paid advertising platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to promote your videos to an even larger targeted audience.

Benefit #4: Enhanced Storytelling

Videos can be an effective way to tell stories about your business and your products or services, helping to build emotional connections with your audience.

For effective storytelling, make sure that your videos are authentic. Authenticity is key to effective storytelling. You have to be honest and genuine in your videos in order to build trust with your audience. And it’s helpful to use visuals such as images and animations to help illustrate your story.

Be sure to focus on the benefits of your products and services, rather than just the features. The benefits are more likely to create an emotional connection with your audience while demonstrating the value that you have to offer. And, for even more effective storytelling, include customer testimonials. Adding testimonials to your videos helps demonstrate the impact of your business in the lives of other people.

Benefit #5: Real World Demonstrations

Videos can be a highly effective tool for demonstrating your products or services, showing how they work in a real-world situation. You can help potential customers better understand the features, benefits, and value because they can see it with their own eyes. This is especially valuable if you offer complex or technical products or services that might be difficult to explain with just text or images.

Within demonstration videos, you can also include additional visuals such as product shots, diagrams, or animations to further help illustrate how your products or services work.  And, as I mentioned in storytelling, you can have a bigger impact if you include customer testimonials to show how your products or services have helped others.

Imagine if you have a video of an actual client talking about his or her experience with your business. That builds trust with your audience.

Benefit #6: Increased Conversions

Videos are effective at driving conversions because they showcase your products or services and demonstrate their value to your prospects.

When your audience sees the benefits, and they see other people successfully engaged with your business, or your products, or sharing their experiences with your services, they can imagine themselves in that same position, getting those same benefits.

All you have to do now is include a call to action. What do they need to do next to move them along in their customer journey with your business? Maybe you start simply, asking them to do things like comment, share, like your posts, and subscribe. Or maybe you want them to sign up for your email list, download a free report, or register for a webinar. Or maybe their next step is to buy something. Make the call to action clear.

Benefit #7: Better Return on Investment

Videos offer a strong ROI because they can be repurposed and shared across multiple channels, helping to extend their lifespan and reach. To get the best return from your video marketing, you need to repurpose your videos. In other words, use them in different ways. You can use them in different formats such as blog posts, social media posts, and email newsletters.

Case in point, you might be watching this particular video on YouTube. Or you could be watching on my blog. Or you could even be reading the transcript on my blog.

And how did you get here? Did you do a YouTube search or a Google search? Or did you see a shorter version of this video on Facebook or LinkedIn? Or are you already on my email list in which case you got an email when this video was released, and all you had to do was click. This video is repurposed in a variety of ways because I want to make it easy for you to find it and consume it. Does that make sense?

Okay, back to the idea of ROI, if you want to improve the ROI over time, use data analytics to track the performance of your videos and optimize them for better results. You can also plan out your future video content by creating a content calendar. That allows you to align your videos with your business goals and your marketing strategy.


So there you have it! Those are some of the key benefits of video marketing for small businesses, along with some tips and advice you can use to create your own successful video campaigns. Remember, the key to success with video marketing is to be engaging, authentic, and focused on delivering value to your audience.

So now it’s time for you to get out there and create and publish some video content for your business. Create something that demonstrates your products, your services, or your expertise. And let me give you one more tip… Don’t worry about the quality of your first video. You’re going to think it sucks! But that’s pretty much true with anything you do the first time, right? You’ll make better videos as you do it more.

Now, how would you like a way to attract more customers who are already searching for exactly what you have to offer?

I have a training which shows businesses how to show up in the best part of the search results so they can dominate their competition, by showing up better and more often. Interested in learning more? Go to upatdawn.biz/webinar and I’ll see you soon.

Your business deserves to be seen online, and I will help you get there.

Thanks for watching and have a great day!


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